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With today's technology and with everyone on a mobile device, marketing via the Internet and social media is really the only way to go. Social media is a fairly new way to market your business services, but you must learn how to do it to succeed. The article below contains some of the best tips on the subject of social media marketing.
Offer exclusive deals for social media fans. Provide your customers with valuable content and they will show interest in your campaign. Offer unique items through contests. Otherwise, you could just simply provide some special offers for your fans. You can make announcements strictly through a social media page.
In the age of the world wide web it can be easy to forget about printed advertising, but it can be quite beneficial to incorporate your social media marketing campaign with your printed ads. You should include your profile address on the publications and post them on your site. This can help you to generate a greater interest in your products, both online and in print format.
Ensure that you are always updating your blog and sharing it with your social media sites. Post any sales or promotions that you are offering in your blog. Also post updates containing information about vital news, such as changes in your operating hours, closings and new locations opening up. You should also put this into your blog.
Do not take time off during the holidays; this is the best time of the year for business. You can inspire holiday spirit and shopping enjoyment by staying in touch with customers during this busy time. Plan the holidays well ahead of time: come up with fun ideas for contests, giveaways or coupons. Customers will pick up on this.
If you have a tough time with formatting, use a list format for the next article you post on your social networking profiles. Doing this will allow you to display important information in an easy to digest manner that lets reader see what's most important. Social media users are usually young people with short attention spans, so this format will get them the information they need without a lot of filler to read through.
Use the Twitter API to keep your feed interesting. This can be performed so that other people's blog posts can be auto-tweeted. Find good blogs that are trustworthy and updated frequently to share with the followers you have. This will help to keep your page new and fresh.
When you publish something new on your company blog, be sure to repost it at your social media venues. By back-linking to your blog, you will be able to tell your social media followers that you have new content available.
Stay active! You can't be successful without being social. If you don't have any activity, then your social media campaign is not going to succeed. Being active can spark the interest of your followers and help you be more successful.
Games on Facebook are something to look into. Creating a game around your product or service will be a fun way to introduce it to a large audience. Some popular brands have been extremely successful with Facebook's games, which turned into viral phenomenons. It's worth the cost to pay a professional design team to create the app, and market it on social media!
Through helping others and commenting on social media posts, you can boost your positioning as an industry expert. This will consistently bring new business your way because of your expertise. Find questions about your industry and give quality answers. Specific and useful knowledge will help you gain customers that you may not have been able to find without SMM.
Create new content frequently, and update it often. If you post daily or more often, your customers will get in the habit of checking your feed regularly. If you rarely post, many customers will stop frequenting your page. Make a posting schedule, or use a company that will post for you in specific time intervals. You will also keep a schedule with your readers.
An effective way to use Twitter for social marketing purposes is to organize a group chat, commonly called a Twitter party. A Twitter party involves a number of people gathering on Twitter and talking about a topic chosen in advance, using a unique hashtag to track the conversation. Get a few bloggers to join and give advice to customers. Make sure you choose influential bloggers who will write about the upcoming party and attract their own crowd.
Be sure to think of eye-catching headings for your posts. This is the first thing that a reader sees, so it can make or break the deal. You must get their attention and keep them interested enough to read all of your content. So careful thought is necessary when thinking up headlines and titles to catch the readers attention.
If you have a blog or a site, you need to ensure that people can subscribe to it easily. Make sure you subscribe and share buttons are visible on your social media pages. When you put it in a noticeable location, it will help your fans sign up easier. Remember, some people may have very slow Internet connections, so it is best to have the subscribe button as the first thing that loads on your page.
Hopefully, the idea of launching a marketing push in social media is now looking a little less complex to you. Once you choose to start such an effort, continuing to educate yourself in trends and techniques will take you far. Consistent yields are the result of constant effort, so apply the ideas and insights from the preceding paragraphs, and block out whatever hours are needed to provide fresh content to your social media profiles with regularity.
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Starting a home based business to earn income online takes a significant amount of time and energy upfront to get things going. Not seeing results immediately can be discouraging and cause people to give up too early. In this article, we look at the process of starting a home based business and working through the frustrations to be there when the sales come flowing in.
Being an entrepreneur and earning multiple streams of income is a dream that many have, but in reality it does take some initial hard work to achieve this. Earning multiple streams of income is the wave of the future, and here are some tips and advice for you when you are looking for ways in which to do this for yourself.
Cyber marketing has now become an indispensable segment of e-commerce as well as the internet and World Wide Web related topics. Cyber marketing simply refers to a technique of attracting potential customers by advertising your products or services through such means as websites, emails, and banners.
Businesses go to so much trouble when there is one sure-fire, simple, very inexpensive way to attract new clients to a business: Teach a free class. That is what article marketing is like. Your articles are just like free classes. You teach your target readers something helpful in your article. Your resource box then says, "If you enjoyed this article you can visit my website and apply what you have learned."
If you want your SEO to work you now need to concentrate on appeasing Google Panda, and to do this you need to know what Google Panda's spiders/bots will be looking for. Find out here how to search engine optimise your website for the latest Google Panda algorithm, and achieve the success you deserve.
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Feb 25 (Reuters) - Leading money winners on the 2013 PGATour on Monday (U.S. unless stated): 1. Brandt Snedeker $2,859,920 2. Matt Kuchar $1,987,000 3. Hunter Mahan $1,412,965 4. John Merrick $1,296,014 5. Phil Mickelson $1,232,760 6. Dustin Johnson $1,200,125 7. Tiger Woods $1,144,000 8. Russell Henley $1,129,080 9. Brian Gay $1,089,181 10. Charles Howell III $1,087,944 11. Jason Day $1,009,164 12. Chris Kirk $990,013 13. Steve Stricker $940,000 14. Josh Teater $870,934 15. Bill Haas $816,300 16. Jimmy Walker $812,620 17. Scott Piercy $789,592 18. Charlie Beljan $785,800 19. ...
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Andy Kropa / Getty Images
By Miranda Leitsinger, Staff Writer, NBC News
A federal law that leaves hundreds of thousands of same-sex couples without any recognition of their marriage violates the Constitution, lawyers for a woman whose wife?s death left her unprotected from more than $350,000 in estate taxes said in a legal brief Tuesday, one month before the Supreme Court hears her case.?
The landmark case is one of two the court will hear in March about the battle over whether same-sex couples can legally wed, and if they do, whether they can receive spousal benefits and get the same rights that heterosexual couples currently enjoy.
The former is a legal fight over California?s Proposition 8, which bans gay marriage, and the latter centers on Section 3 of the Defense of Marriage Act, which bars recognition of same-sex marriage at the federal level.
Of a few cases brought to the high court challenging DOMA, the justices chose to hear the one brought by Edie Windsor, whose wife, Thea Spyer, died in 2009. The New York couple married in 2007 in Canada, though they were?together for 44 years before Spyer died.
Spyer left her estate to Windsor. As a married heterosexual couple there would have been no estate tax. But Windsor was left with a federal tax bill of $363,000 since the couple?s marriage was not recognized by the U.S. government.
The lawyers? brief filed Tuesday by Windsor?s lawyers argues that DOMA's?Section 3, which defines marriage at the federal level, ?violates the Constitution because it treats married gay couples differently than married straight couples? for ?no logical reason,? the American Civil Liberties Union, part of Windsor's legal team, said in a summary of the brief.
Gays and lesbians, who have already endured a long history of discrimination, the ACLU said, were subjected to further discrimination from DOMA, which they noted Congress passed in 1996 ?based on fear of and stereotypes about gay people, rather than any legitimate government purpose.? ?
?But the Constitution doesn?t permit the government to pass a law just to disadvantage a politically unpopular group of people,? the group added.
DOMA affects more than 1,100 provisions of federal laws, denying gay couples the right to file joint taxes, the protections of the Family Medical and Leave Act, and blocks surviving spouses from accessing veterans? benefits, among other things, Windsor?s lawyers said.
?DOMA excludes married couples who are gay from all of the rights, privileges and obligations that the federal government otherwise affords married couples,? her lawyers? brief said.
Two lower courts have agreed with Windsor and her attorneys. Other lower courts that reviewed DOMA challenges elsewhere, such as in Boston, reached similar findings.
The Obama administration filed a brief last Friday?in the case with the Supreme Court asking it to throw out Section 3, which it had already stopped defending.
The administration also mentioned California's Proposition 8 and similar measures in other states as evidence that anti-gay discrimination remained a major problem.?
The appeal of the lower courts? decision was brought by the Bipartisan Legal Advisory Group, a congressional group made of three Republicans, including House Speaker John Boehner, and two Democrats.
In its brief, filed in late January, the group argued to let the debate over same-sex marriage continue to play out as it has been through votes in many states and public debate, saying ?gays and lesbians have substantial political power, and that power is growing. Victories at the ballot box that would have been unthinkable a decade ago have become routine,? it said, apparently referring to wins for same-sex marriage in four states last November.
?There is absolutely no reason to think that gays and lesbians are shut out of the political process to a degree that would justify judicial intervention on an issue as divisive and fastmoving as same-sex marriage,? the group said, as it urged the court not to step in.
?Indeed, the democratic process has substantial advantages over constitutionalizing this issue. Same-sex marriage is being actively debated in legislatures, in the press, and at every level of government and society across the country. That is how it should be,? the group added.
The court will hear on DOMA from both sides on March 27, one day after Proposition 8 supporters and opponents go before the justices.
Once 'inconceivable,' Republican leaders sign pro-gay marriage brief
US asks Supreme Court to strike down law denying benefits to same-sex couples
Supreme Court to take up same-sex marriage issue??
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Thousands of inventors, engineers and entrepreneurs gathered in a suburban Washington convention center on Monday for the annual three-day meeting of Arpa-E, the Advanced Research Projects Agency ? Energy. It wasn?t quite the Oscars. At the registration desk, attendees received a goody bag that included a report on clean energy from the Pew Charitable Trusts and a refrigerator magnet that showed the periodic table of the elements.
But the breakout sessions held true to Arpa-E?s tradition: there were lots of swing-for-the-fence ideas. These included finding a high-efficiency, low-cost way to turn surplus natural gas into liquid fuel for cars and trucks, and identifying something to burn other than hydrocarbons so that carbon dioxide is not one of the byproducts.
One researcher proposed burning aluminum instead. One challenge is that the ashes, or oxidized metal, would be hard to recycle back into aluminum without big releases of carbon dioxide.
Arpa-E is the Energy Department?s effort to imitate the better-known Pentagon arm known as the Defense Research Projects Agency, or Darpa. Darpa laid the groundwork for the Internet and still finances high-potential ideas in their early speculative stages in the expectation that a few will be major breakthroughs; Arpa-E tries to do the same in energy.
So far the agency has invested $770 million in 285 projects, ?and we?re proud of every single one of them,?? said Cheryl Martin, the agency?s deputy director, in opening remarks to several thousand attendees. Although most will never be commercialized, the strikeouts are not as important as the home runs.
One particularly ambitious idea presented on Monday was to re-engineer plants so that their leaves reflect rather than absorb more light. In an age of global climate change, with shifting rainfall patterns, changing reflectivity holds appeal. The technology would save water, which means saving energy because the water that the plants need often must be pumped. It could prove a way to help crops grow with less rainfall.
Some of those crops can be used to produce energy as well. And increasing the amount of light that bounces back into space would help to limit global warming.
The notion is that crops will absorb light in the visible spectrum yet reflect some of the infrared and ultraviolet light, which heats the leaves. ?Plants have a maximum efficiency of about 6 percent,?? said Robert Conrado, an agency scientist. And plants regulate their temperature much the way people do, by giving off water, which cools as it evaporates. ?All energy that is not able to be captured is dissipated as heat,?? he said. ?And that?s a lot of water.??
In a hot climate, a cornfield can give off the equivalent of eight inches of rainfall in a month, he said, and agricultural irrigation accounts for 81 percent of water use in this country. The proportion is even higher in poorer places, which have fewer dishwashers and washing machines.
And some of that energy would radiate back into space, reducing global warming, Dr. Conrado said.Whether butterfly wings or fruits, he said, ?nature has already evolved mechanisms for tailored light reflection.?
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Feb. 26, 2013 ? Dr John Stewart has made important contributions to a growing body of work that shows how the evolution of ecosystems has to be taken into account when speculating between different geological eras. Go back to the time of the dinosaurs or to the single-celled organisms at the origins of life, and it is obvious that ecosystems existing more than 65 million years ago and around four billion years ago cannot be simply surmised from those of today.
Although the most drastic evolutionary changes occur over long spans of time, the effects can be seen relatively recently, argues Dr Stewart.
Stewart has studied the interaction between ancient ecosystems -- paleoecology -- and evolution of humans and other organisms over the past 100,000 years, undertaking everything from excavating cave sites in Belgium to exploring the desert of Abu Dhabi.
In one milestone collaborative study, Dr Stewart has taken existing knowledge of the geographical spread of plant and animal species throughout the warming and cooling of the Ice Ages to provide insights into human origins, including the evolution and extinction of Neanderthals.
He has also examined the rise of the 'first Europeans', along with the Denisovans -- a newly discovered group -- mysterious cousins of the Neanderthals, who occupied a vast realm stretching from the chill expanse of Siberia to the tropical forests of Indonesia.
The key insight in this work, conducted alongside Prof Chris Stringer of London's Natural History Museum, came from understanding the important role of the refuge taken by a species from harsher conditions -- known as a refugium -- which has a tremendous influence on the evolutionary future of the species. Once the climate changes again, for instance as ice sheets melt, these refuges can expand or connect up again.
But, of course, there's a twist. Evolution has also had a huge influence. The inhabitants are not the same as the original populations as a result of genetic mutations. The time spent apart in refuge generally serves to splinter a once unified species.
Previous research into hedgehogs, polar bears and other animals suggest that, even once an Ice Age ends and the different populations start intermingling again, they never really merge back together as a single group. This process drives important evolutionary changes, which can ultimately lead to the origins of a new species.
Ultimately, this explains why Homo sapiens are still here and our archaic human cousins went extinct some 30,000 years ago: our ancestors chose the right refuge to wait out the Ice Age.
Today, Dr Stewart's work has shifted away from fossil remains to ancient DNA. Traditionally insights into the evolution of species have come from fossils, but we now know that the genetic changes that underlie a major change in body shape can be minor.
"The most exciting development in my field has been the ability to analyse ancient DNA, which has begun to allow us to see evolution happening over the last several dozen thousand years," explains Dr Stewart.
His claim that climate change caused the Neanderthals' demise is supported by work by Love Dal?n at the Swedish Museum of Natural History in Stockholm, who has looked at the genes in 13 Neanderthal fossils found in southern Europe and western Asia.
All Neanderthal fossils more than 48,000 years old, and those found in Asia, had a higher level of genetic diversity than later European fossils, suggesting that the Neanderthals probably went through an evolutionary 'bottleneck' where a significant percentage of them perished.
When a bottleneck occurs, the remaining individuals are often a much less diverse group, which makes it more difficult for them to evolve and adapt to a changing environment.
Dr Stewart, who is doing DNA studies in collaboration with teams at the Natural History Museum in Stockholm and the Universities of York and Royal Holloway, is now focusing on using genetics to elucidate the evolution of a wide range of creatures.
He has conducted recent studies at the cave site of Trou Al'Wesse, a refugium once occupied by Neanderthals, in Belgium. He is studying how animal populations changed as a result of Ice Age climate change to understand the evolutionary processes that have taken place over the last 50,000 years.
But his work is not confined to the past. It informs the present too. Recently there had been a proposal to eradicate the Eagle Owl because it killed other birds, such as hen harriers, and was not thought to be a native species. But Dr Stewart's studies of fossils and more recent archaeological records revealed the bird, or something like it, has been present in Britain for up to 700,000 years. The plan to cull the birds has now been abandoned.
And his research can help us predict the future. The fear is that our ever-expanding impact on the planet will trigger ecological collapse. But the only way to know for sure is to look back into the past.
"By studying how organisms have reacted to past climate change," explains Dr Stewart, "we can learn lessons about what may take place due to human-caused global warming."
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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Bournemouth University, via AlphaGalileo.
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Shuffle along, shuffle along, because this couch is about to get crowded. Alongside the big four, we now have Ubuntu, Firefox OS and the latest version of Tizen all elbowing each other for room. Tizen has one particularly strong backer, Samsung, who built the reference device we play with in the video after the break, and whereas Firefox OS is destined only for the low-end, Tizen seems far more ambitious -- at least judging from the 720p resolution of this developer handset. Since the introduction of version 2.0, the OS is designed to run both native and HTML5 apps, or apps which mix the two layers -- such as the Vimeo app you'll see in the video, which has a web-based interface but accesses the hardware for the purpose of video acceleration.
Huge swathes of the interface are remarkable only by their familiarity: a home screen with a grid of apps; a single navigation button to take you back to this screen or alternatively to a multi-tasking screen by way of a long press; and a top-to-bottom pull-down for notifications and quick access to settings. It's basic, but it represents pretty much what all these new operating systems are supposed to be: ways of getting functionality that is at least close to Android but without all the licensing costs associated with running Google services. Beyond that, however, Tizen at least seems capable of delivering smartphone fundamentals like a fast camera (with burst mode, incidentally). Tizen's mostly likely rival will be Ubuntu, at least once that other Linux-based OS progresses beyond entry-level phones at some point in 2014. From the sound of it though, Tizen is about to beat it to the punch.
Filed under: Cellphones, Software, Mobile
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Intel teased a dual-core Clover Trail+ earlier this year at CES 2013, and now it's revealed the rest of the story on the new Atom-based mobile processors at MWC 2013 in Barcelona. While based on the same 32nm architecture of the previous Medfield generation, the new Z2580, Z2560 and Z2520 chips will pack dual 2.0GHz, 1.6GHz and 1.2Ghz CPU cores, respectively, along with two PowerVR SGX 544 GPU cores. That should make the new chip a lot more competitive than the previous generation, performance-wise, though battery life may suffer next to 28nm chips from the likes of Qualcomm. Still, Intel says that the new chips will burn less juice at idle than Medfield, meaning cell life could vary widely depending on usage.
On the radio side, Intel's at last bringing support for 42Mbps DC-HSPA+ along with 11.5 Mbps HSUPA cat 7 with its XMM 6360 silicon, but there'll still be no multimode (on-chip) LTE support for now. However, it also launched its new XMM 7160 radio as a separate chip, supporting 15 LTE bands along with HSPA+ and saying that it'll appear on its upcoming 22nm SoC chips -- which the company said were on track to arrive by the end of the year. Finally, Intel flaunted a new Clover Trail+ reference design, featuring a Z2580 CPU, 2GB of RAM, a max 256GB(!) of NAND, WUXGA support (1,920 x 1,200) and a rear 16-megapixel camera. Hopefully, there'll be a large battery to go along with all that -- check the PR after the break for more.
Filed under: Cellphones, Tablets, Intel
Via: Ananadtech
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Qualcomm unveiled its new Snapdragon SoC flag bearer at CES, and here at MWC 2013 we got to see some of what the 800 series can do. Last week, the company revealed the chip's voice activation feature that allows users to wake the chip up using a voice command. We got to see one application of this technology used to launch Google Now using the keywords "hey Snapdragon," though when it makes its way into consumer devices, that keyword will be customizable. It was a limited demo, but the ability to wake your phone and launch apps without having to press a button (see: Siri and Google Now) is certainly an attractive proposition.
We also got to witness the 800's image processing capabilities when paired with one of Pelican Imaging's array cameras. Using images taken with that plenoptic shooter, changing the focal plane of an image or cropping out individuals from a group photo was easily handled by a Qualcomm prototype tablet packing a Snapdragon 800. Enough chatter on the matter, however, you can see for yourself in the video after the break.
Filed under: Cellphones, Tablets, Mobile
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While accepting her Oscar for best actress, Jennifer Lawrence did something totally unexpected: She fell flat on her face. And she earned a place in our hearts forever.
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Ronda Rousey appeared to be moments away from defeat in the UFC 157 main event when Liz Carmouche nearly scored a submission win. Rousey overcame the adversity, and at the event's post-fight show on FUEL TV said she was more worried about her bra than Carmouche's submission attempt.
Ultimate Fighting Championship (UFC) women's bantamweight champion Ronda Rousey survived the first serious scare of her seven-fight career when she escaped a first-round rear-naked choke attempt by Liz Carmouche in the main event of UFC 157: "Rousey vs. Carmouche" at the Honda Center in Anaheim, California.
To watch full fight video highlights of Ronda Rousey vs. Liz Carmouche click here.
Rousey (7-0) appeared moments away from being on the wrong side of the upset of the female combat sports century when Carmouche nearly locked in the choke from a standing position, but the champion survived and rallied back for a submission win of her own with just 14-seconds remaining in the opening round.
The fight was sensational, and on the UFC 157 post-fight show on FUEL TV, the 26-year-old champion talked to Ariel Helwani about Carmouche's submission attempt and how close "Girl-Rilla" was to making her quit, stating she was more worried about revealing herself to the world than tapping out.
Her words:
"I was thinking about my bra, actually. I kept thinking, I didn't order this one myself, so they gave me my weigh in bra for the fight. If you look back, I was adjusting myself at one point while she was on my back. Multitasking [laughs]!"
Rousey admitted Carmouche had her in the most danger of anything thus far in her mixed martial arts (MMA) career, but claimed she was comfortable through the heart-stopping sequence and said the only reason she found herself in that position was her willingness to take risks.
"I was trying just to ignore everything until I was out there. It was weird -- I was in there just yesterday so it felt like a familiar place. It didn't seem odd at all.... I think I was less nervous [for this fight]. I think I was most nervous for the Julia Budd fight, way back, I don't know why I was so nervous for that one. On the ground I feel so comfortable -- I don't ever feel like I'm in danger -- so I don't mind taking a lot of risks. I felt fine with her on my back, I was thinking more about keeping my sports bra up while she is trying to choke me. I felt very safe and in control even though it didn't look like that."
With the win over Carmouche, Rousey keeps her incredible undefeated streak intact and unless she encounters another near wardrobe malfunction that causes her to mind to slip, it's hard to see any women at 135-pounds defeating the face of female MMA.
If you missed any of the UFC 157 action, be sure to hit up's blow-by-blow coverage of the night's main card by clicking here.
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First things first: We still haven't seen the PlayStation 4. That said, if you'd like to see someone other than a Sony rep or developer putting their hands all over that DualShock 4 with touchpad and share button -- we asked, but apparently network TV still trumps internet -- then say no more. Managing Director of Guerilla Games Hermen Hulst came by the Late Night with Jimmy Fallon show with a prototype unit (not shown) loaded up with the Killzone: Shadow Fall demo we saw at the press conference. Jimmy and guest Anthony Anderson played a bit, with varying degrees of success and were predictably impressed by the new system, due to release by the end of this year. Unfortunately, there's no new information to be had, unless you wanted to know what the ceilings in the game look like (clearly, Anderson prefers to play shooters inverted). Watch the video embedded after the break, we're going to doublecheck ?uestlove's Instagram to see if he got any backstage or setup shots of the system behind the curtain.
Via: Kotaku
Source: Latenight (YouTube)
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Google has finally rolled out Android 4.2.2?Change log. Earlier this month, it was rolled out on Nexus devices including Galaxy Nexus 7, Nexus 7 and other Nexuses. Unofficial?Android 4.2.2?change log?was already surfaced few days ago.
But now official one from Google has arrived. According to Official log changes include some tweaks in?Google Now, Photo Sphere, Gesture Typing, and Project Butter. There?s also?addition?of some other changes which include triple tapping for magnification and its gestures are enabled and much more. Updates also include minor features, like the fact that TalkBack can now be accessed right from the power menu.?Checkout the changes below:
- Everything in Jelly Bean feels fast, fluid, and smooth. Moving between?home?screens?and switching between apps is effortless, like turning the pages of a book.
- Jelly Bean improves performance throughout the system, including faster orientation changes, quicker switching between recent apps, and smoother and more consistent rendering across the system through vsync and triple buffering.
- Jelly Bean has more reactive and uniform touch responses, and makes your?Android?device?even more responsive by boosting your device?s CPU instantly when you touch the screen, and turns it down when you don?t need it to improve battery life.
as quoted by Google.
For more?information?regarding changes you can head over to Google?Android site?to get more details. Currently Android 4.2.2 is rolled out on Nexus devices only. While, most of the other?devices?are still?waiting?for Android 4.1 jelly Bean.
Did you received Android 4.2.2 on Nexus?
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Published: February 20, 2013 8:11 PM
Stony Brook University running back Miguel Maysonet is attending the NFL combine in Indianapolis. (February 20, 2013 8:02 PM)
College football players are in Indianapolis this week for the NFL combine and one such hopeful is Stony Brook University running back Miguel Maysonet.
The NFL combine, which lasts several days, gives college football players the opportunity to train in front of teams and improve their draft status. Maysonet's coach, Chuck Priore, says he's confident Maysonet will be drafted.
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Wave Timer is a hands free timer that allows you to turn off the alarm with a simple wave of your hand. This is great for situations like cooking, where your hands are a mess and you don't want to touch your iPhone. It also features a rotary style interface for setting the length of the timer that is easy to use and interesting to look at.
The interface of Wave Time primarily consists of just one screen. On this screen is a big half circle divided into three dials and the center. The center of the circle is the play button and moving out from the center are the dials for hours, minutes, and seconds. To set the time, you simply spin the dials to the appropriate time and hit play.
The real fun begins when the Wave Timer goes off. To stop the alarm, you just wave your hand in front of your iPhone. If you do it too fast, it won't work, but I haven't found this to be a problem. This feature uses the front-facing camera as a motion detector, so I just move my hand towards the camera without touching it, and the alarm miraculously turns off.
Wave Camera is free to download and includes three different alarm sounds and ads. To unlock more sounds and remove ads, there is an in-app purchase available for $1.99.
If you ever find yourself in need of setting a timer when in messy situations, you should definitely give Wave Timer a try, and spare your poor iPhone from turning into a dirty, sticky mess.
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We have today published alternative budget proposals to the Labour-run council. We hope that they will adopt these on Wednesday and help to improve our county.
IN SHORT: More money for roads and footpaths, citizens advice, bus services, extra staff in council call centre, more money to help with careers advice in schools, program to support new business startups and extra funding for local regeneration projects in villages.
PAID FOR BY: Cutting Council Publicity magazine County News. Cutting chairman and vice-chairman?s clothing allowances, cutting union subsidies, reducing mileage allowances for senior staff and councillors, bringing forward money from next years budget not currently allocated to anything, and reducing the amount Labour plan to add to the already huge ?21m reserves.
And the longer version:
1. Highways Maintenance (Capital) -?In order to make inroads into the capital highways maintenance backlog, the Council should invest an extra ?1.3 million in 2013-14. to help to improve the roads and footpaths which are falling to bits.
Additional cost to the capital programme = ?1.3 million in 2013-14
Funded by achieving savings of ?130,000 a year to fund the prudential borrowing, by withdrawing all subsidy payments to trade unions together with the imposition of a 2.5% service charge for the collection of union subscriptions through the payroll system
2?? Improving Customer Service in the Contact Centre
In order to provide a ?fit for purpose? telephone service to our customers by increasing opening times and reducing waiting times, an additional 8 customer service operatives be recruited to the Customer Services Team.
Additional cost = ?150,000
Funded by stopping publishing the County Durham News.? Annual saving = ?150,000.
3.? Increase the funding to Citizen Advice Bureau by ?50,000
Funded by withdrawing the clothing allowance for the Chairman and Vice Chairman and reducing the amount of remuneration for ?special responsibility allowances? to councillors.
4.? Invest a further ?300,000 a year into the public transport subsidy budget to improve bus routes and the frequency of buses for the public
Funded by reducing casual car mileage rates for employees and councillors to 45 pence a mile.
5.? Introduce a 3 year pilot programme at a cost of ?250,000 a year to improve career opportunities for young people.? The service would be provided by the Regeneration and Economic Development Service in schools and would support the new role of secondary schools as being the sole support for providing careers advice to young people.
The ?750,000 cost over the 3 years to be funded from general reserves.
6?? Introduce a 3 year pilot programme at a cost of ?1 million a year in order to support employment and business development.? The service would be provided by the Regeneration and Economic Development Service and would provide support and advice to new business start-ups on the Local Enterprise Growth Initiative (LEGI) model.
The ?3 million cost over the 3 years to be funded from general reserves.
7.? Add ?1,5000,000 of expenditure to the 2013/14 capital programme to fund up to 20 new minor schemes using the criteria along the lines of the former ?Urban and Rural Renaissance Initiative? programme.
To be funded from the as yet uncommitted ?10,500,000 capital budget in 2014/15 which could be brought forward into 2013/14 with the subsequent revenue cost to fund the borrowing be met from the 2013/14 revenue contingency budget.
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Arnold Pistorius, right, uncle of Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, comforts his niece after making a statement to selected press in Pretoria, South Africa, Feb. 16, 2013. Pistorius said that Oscar is ?numb with shock, as well as grief? after the shooting death of his model girlfriend at his home in South Africa, Thursday, and his family strongly refuted prosecutors? claims that he murdered her. At left is Aimee Pistorius, sister of Oscar Pistorius. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)
Arnold Pistorius, right, uncle of Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, comforts his niece after making a statement to selected press in Pretoria, South Africa, Feb. 16, 2013. Pistorius said that Oscar is ?numb with shock, as well as grief? after the shooting death of his model girlfriend at his home in South Africa, Thursday, and his family strongly refuted prosecutors? claims that he murdered her. At left is Aimee Pistorius, sister of Oscar Pistorius. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)
Arnold Pistorius, right, uncle of Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, make a statement to selected press in Pretoria, South Africa, Feb. 16, 2013. Pistorius said that Oscar is ?numb with shock, as well as grief? after the shooting death of his model girlfriend at his home in South Africa, Thursday, and his family strongly refuted prosecutors? claims that he murdered her. On left is Aimee Pistorius, sister of Oscar Pistorius. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)
Arnold Pistorius, right, uncle of Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, comforts his niece after making a statement to selected press in Pretoria, South Africa, Feb. 16, 2013. Pistorius said that Oscar is ?numb with shock, as well as grief? after the shooting death of his model girlfriend at his home in South Africa, Thursday, and his family strongly refuted prosecutors? claims that he murdered her. At left is Aimee Pistorius, sister of Oscar Pistorius. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)
Arnold Pistorius, right, uncle of Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius, comforts his niece after making a statement to selected press in Pretoria, South Africa, Feb. 16, 2013. Pistorius said that Oscar is ?numb with shock, as well as grief? after the shooting death of his model girlfriend at his home in South Africa, Thursday, and his family strongly refuted prosecutors? claims that he murdered her. At left is Aimee Pistorius, sister of Oscar Pistorius. (AP Photo/Denis Farrell)
Olympic athlete Oscar Pistorius leaves the Boschkop police station, east of Pretoria, South Africa, Thursday, Feb. 14, 2013. Pistorius was taken into custody after a 30-year-old woman, Reeva Steenkamp, was shot dead at his home. (AP Photo)
PRETORIA, South Africa (AP) ? Oscar Pistorius is "numb with shock as well as grief" after the shooting death of his model girlfriend at his home in South Africa, the runner's uncle said Saturday, as his family strongly denied prosecutors' claims that he murdered her.
Arnold Pistorius spoke with The Associated Press and two other South African journalists about his nephew's arrest in the killing of Reeva Steenkamp, who was shot four times on the morning of Valentine's Day. Arnold Pistorius spoke to reporters from the garden of his three-story home in the eastern suburbs of South Africa's capital, Pretoria.
The statement, the first on camera and directly made in person by Pistorius' family, also came out strongly against prosecutors seeking to upgrade the charge against Pistorius to one of premeditated murder, which carries a sentence of life in prison.
"After consulting with legal representatives, we deeply regret the allegation of premeditated murder," Arnold Pistorius said. "We have no doubt there is no substance to the allegation and that the state's own case, including its own forensic evidence, strongly refutes any possibility of a premeditated murder or murder as such."
He said the family was "battling to come to terms with Oscar being charged with murder."
The track star's arrest in the killing of 29-year-old Steenkamp shocked South Africa, where Pistorius was a national hero and icon dubbed the Blade Runner for his high-tech carbon fiber running blades and revered for overcoming his disability to compete at the London Olympics. She was discovered in a pool of blood before dawn Thursday by police called to Pistorius' upscale home in a gated community. Authorities said she had been shot four times, and a 9 mm pistol was recovered at the home.
Pistorius remains held at a police station pending a bail hearing Tuesday. Police have already said they'll oppose Pistorius being released before trial. A premeditated murder charge also makes it more difficult for his defense team to get bail.
On Saturday afternoon, Pistorius' lawyers visited the Brooklyn police station in Pretoria, where the athlete is being held. His younger sister Aimee, who stood alongside Arnold Pistorius when he made his statement, also was at the police station later.
There will be a variety of hearings before Pistorius, 26, could go on trial. In South Africa, there are no juries, so a judge ultimately would decide Pistorius' guilt or innocence, sometimes with the help of two advisers. At an initial hearing Friday, Pistorius sobbed and held his head in his hands at times. He has yet to enter a plea in the case.
The family denial that Pistorius committed murder doesn't necessarily mean that they say he didn't shoot her, as murder is a legal term. Initial speculation immediately after the shooting Thursday suggested that it could have been accidental, though police say they are not currently considering that.
Arnold Pistorius did not discuss the circumstances of the shooting, but said that his nephew and Steenkamp had become very close since they started dating in November.
"They had plans together and Oscar was happier in his private life than he had been for a long time," the uncle said.
As Arnold Pistorius read his statement, Pistorius' sister Aimee stood nearby and broke down in tears at one point. Her uncle stopped reading for a moment to put his right arm around her. Pistorius remains very close with his uncle, a man he once lived with as a teenager.
"Words cannot adequately describe our feelings," his uncle said. "The lives of our entire family have been turned upside down forever by this unimaginable human tragedy and Reeva's family have suffered a terrible loss. As a family we are trying to be strong and supportive to Oscar as any close family would be in these dreadful circumstances."
The entire family was "devastated," Pistorius' uncle said, and was "grieving for Reeva, her family and her friends."
Since news of the killing, shock waves have rippled across South Africa, a nation of 50 million where nearly 50 people are killed each day, one of the world's highest murder rates. U.N. statistics say the nation has the second highest rate of shooting deaths in the world, behind only Colombia. Others have focused their attention on Pistorius and his fascination with fast cars, cage fighting and firearms.
Steenkamp, who graduated from law school, is known in South Africa for appearing in commercials and as a bikini-clad model in men's magazines. On Saturday, South Africa's state broadcaster SABC planned to air a reality TV show featuring the model. Another portion of the show released earlier Saturday included a clip of her swimming with two dolphins, which tap her on the cheek with their snouts.
"I think the way that you go out, not just your journey in life, but the way that you go out and the way you make your exit is so important," the blonde-haired Steenkamp says in the video. "You either made an impact in a positive or a negative way, but just maintain integrity and maintain class and just remain true to yourself.
"I'm going to miss you all so much and I love you very, very much."
Jon Gambrell reported from Johannesburg.
Gerald Imray can be reached at . Jon Gambrell can be reached at .
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So plants should suffer instead? Have you seen how they grow plants these days? Most of them don't ever get to put their roots in soil, but are grown on horrible artificial conditions!
Where does your do good end? Is your clothes made under proper sustainable conditions? How about your computer? Your car? Furniture?
If I had the money to live "right", I'd (probably) do it, but for me to live the way I want, someone has to suffer. Sure I could forgo the telly, the car, the flushing toilet - I could probably live on vegs for a decade or two before dying from malnutrition. (Oh did someone just say vitamin supplement? You know what suffered to make those pills? Pigs.)
Spare me the feel good, do-gooder bullshit. You might think you are doing it right, but fact is, people, plants and animals are suffering just the same for you to live your way.
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